Friday, March 23, 2012
White Day, March 14th

March 14th was White Day. It's Japanese holiday that corresponds with St. Valentine's Day on Feb. 14th. It takes place one month after St. Valentine's Day and it's for when boys (and friends) give to the girls who gave them things on St. Valentine's Day. I asked about White Day at my part-time job and asked them to tell me about it. Apparently White Day is a relatively new holiday that is all about commercialization. But the reason why it was called White Day was because the boys gave the girls marshmallows. Marshmallows were white thus making the day become White Day.

I think it's a cute idea, and it's a very Japanese culture. The Japanese have a thing about if you do a favor or give them something they have to return the favor. So I'm not surprised that there is a holiday that matches with St. Valentine's in returning the favor of receiving gifts. But I didn't not count myself out of this holiday, I received two chocolate's from two of my friends on St. Valentine's so I bought white chocolate for them.

One of my friend's who I gave chocolate too though gave a pleasant surprise! I received a small flower tree for White Day. And another friend gave me strawberry chocolate.

I also met up with Ayako for lunch. Ayako was an exchange student from Kansai University to NAU last year and was another reason why I decided to go to Kansai University. She has been busy all semester with interviews and job hunting so we haven't been able to meet up until now. I was so happy to meet up with her, and catch up.

We ended up eating at a ramen shop before going across the street to take some purikura. Ayako agreed to my need of purikura and explained to me she hadn't done it since high school. They came out very cute, I wish I could show how they turned out on here. After purikura we went to the underground shopping strip in Hep5 to get Basket Robbins. They had an amazing ice cream out that I couldn't resist, it was just this strawberry shortcake with strawberries all over it. The ice cream I got was strawberry milk and strawberry shortcake. It was so delicious!
Ayako had to depart after ice cream, but she said she will work hard on getting a job so that we can hang out more this semester. I'm excited especially since the next time we meet up we'll go to Sweets Paradise.
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